- Handling with alcohol, drugs, glass containers, weapons, potential dangerous objects and animals (except service dogs) is prohibited. People under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be expelled from the grounds. It is not allowed to smoke in all buildings.
- Entering the flower beds is not allowed.
- Damages of all kinds have to be prevented. Especially fire, water, vandalism and theft damages.
- Autonomus changes on the buildings and technical equipment is not allowed.
- Handing out flyers and advertisement, dealing with goods and film shootings for commercial purposes are only allowed with the consent of the organizers.
- Whoever enters DoKomi shows his consent with possible photo or film recordings of himself by the organizer for impression illustrations.
- Lost and found items can be dropped at the 'Con-Office' or by a helper and can be picked up within six months after the convention. (info@dokomi.de)
- We appreciate conciderate, respectful and cultivated interactions among each other.
- Public morals should be maintained.
- In case of doubt, listen to the instructions of our staff.
- Escape and emergency routes have to be clear. Staircases do not serve as seatings.
- Cosplays must not be too revealing. Bosom, genital areas and bottom have to be covered properly.
Age restrictions
- Children up to 8 years have free entry. Please have a child's ID or passport ready.
- Juveniles up to 15 years without company of an escort with parental authority have to leave the grounds at 10 p.m.
- Juveniles at the age of 16 and 17 years without company of an escort with parental authority have to leave the grounds at 12 p.m.
- Juveniles which like to stay longer need an escort with parental authority.
- We recommend this template for a form for escort with parental authority (German only): https://www.dokomi.de/files/downloads/DoKomi_Erziehungsbeauftragung_Formular.pdf
- On convention grounds, it is an obligation to possess a goverment-issued identity card/passport. Our staff is allowed to check your identity.
Weapons Rules
Rules for Cosplay Weapons
- Cutting and stabbing weapons have to be blunted. (WaffVwV §1.9 , WaffG §42a(3.) => Sportgerät)
- The one who carries sharp or pointed weapons risks a complain. (WaffG §42)
- Appearance weapons are firearms, replicas of firearms and firearms wich are rendered unusable, which convey the impression of firearms and which are not use hot gases to drive missiles. (Anlage 1 Abschnitt 1 unterabschnitt 1 Nr. 1.6 zum WaffG)
- Appearance weapons are allowed for photo and film shootings and stage performances. (WaffG §42a(2)1.)
- Appearance weapons have to be in a sealed container while being transported. (WaffG §42a(2)2.) Sealed container = protected from sight and unnoticed access of third-party like e.g. a locked case, suitcase or backpack (carefully tied up).
- Objects which are prohibited by law (WaffG), are not allowed on our grounds (e.g. laser visor, red-dots, bolt-on torches, throwing stars or nun-chakus in every form and version, indipended from material and funktion) I.e. everything that looks like a prohibited weapon is prohibited by law. A full list of such objects can be found on the internet.
- Sportweapons which are able to fire missiles like paintball guns, compressed air guns, bows with arrows and crossbows are prohibited.
- Huge and bulky cosplay asseccorys (e.g. weapons, wings etc) are not allowed inside the building for safety reasons. Those objects can be hand in at the 'Waffencheck'. Excepted are objects which are needed for immined stage performances.
- The one who carries weapons, appearance weapons, sport weapons or the like does this on one's own risk.
- Exhibition fights are prohibited, because imitators with unfitting equippment could hurt themselves.
If you have further questions, please write an e-mail to waffencheck@dokomi.de !
When you enter the grounds with a cosplay weapon, the first way for you after the entry is the the Weapon Check Station. Please follow the instructions of our staff.