This page contains the following information
- Information on the date of DoKomi 2021
- Important information for all visitors (Be sure to read!)
- Rules of conduct regarding COVID-19 on the premises **_(You must read!) _ **
- Frequently asked questions
- Questions for exhibitors and artists
- DoKomi 2020/2021 hygiene concept in detail
1. Information on the date of DoKomi 2021
All information on the date of DoKomi 2021 summarized
When will DoKomi 2021 take place?
After we carefully observed the course of the pandemic in winter, it was foreseeable that a DoKomi would not be possible on our regular date in May. However, the progress made with regard to the approval of several vaccines and the start of the vaccination campaign gives rise to hope that events can be held later this year - albeit with considerable restrictions and rules, similar to the concept we worked with in September 2020. Accordingly, with Düsseldorf Congress and Messe Düsseldorf, we looked for and found an alternative date in the second half of the year.
>> New date: DoKomi 2021 will be held on the 7th & 8th of August 2021
According to the government's plans, more than 50 million people in Germany could be vaccinated by then, which would have positive effects on the general pandemic situation. In addition, there were numerous signals from ou r government to the organizers to plan for the second half of the year. We assume that restrictions will continue to be necessary and social distancing rules must continue to be followed, which is why we are using our concept from September 2020 as a basis for planning.
Of course, given the constantly dynamic situation of the pandemic, there is no guarantee that events will be possible again at that point or that the specifications will not change after all. In the event of a greatly increased number of infections or other relevant changes, DoKomi may still have to be canceled. We have to take this risk into account when planning the event and ask you to plan accordingly. As announced last year, it will not be an easy year. But the scientific breakthrough of the last few months gives enough reason to hope that our efforts wll not be in vain. In any case we want to at least try and bring some hope to our community in 2021!
What happens if a DoKomi cannot take place in August 2021?
Should DoKomi 2021 not be possible despite all our efforts, we would plan for May 2022 as usual. Tickets purchased could then be transferred to DoKomi 2022.
What about JRave and Cosplayball in 2021? What about my tickets for these events that I bought in 2020?
The JRave and cosplayball were postponed to DoKomi 2021 in 2020. We had to decide based on the general situation, that we cannot hold Cosplayball and JRave in 2021. Valid tickets are automatically postponed to DoKomi 2022. It will be possible to cancel those evening event tickets between 23th and 31th of August. We ask for your understanding, that the cancellation process is dated after the event.
** When do ticket sales & applications start? **
The ticket presale starts on March 1st until August 2nd, but only if not soldout before.
Registration for Exhibitors & Artist Alley starts on March 15th, and continued until April 1st
The registration phase for helpers starts on March 1st and ran until May 1st
The application phase for show acts started on February 12th until June 10th
The application phase for workshops started in April and ran untiel June 15th.
The application phases for TwitchTables started in May and run until June 15th
The application phases for Cosplay Tables started in May and run until *June 20th
I've postponed my exhibitor / artist alley booth to 2021. How about that?
Your registration is still valid. Now for DoKomi on August 7th and 8th, 2021. If you are unable to attend this date, you can exceptionally cancel your booth until February 20th. After that, cancellation is no longer possible.
** Why did you choose this date? **
August 7th and 8th, 2021 was the only date in the whole second half of the year that was still available at Messe Düsseldorf. Simple as that.
** Will AiKon take place? **
Unfortunately, AiKon 2021 will not be able to take place. On one hand, this would be too close to the new date for DoKomi 2021, and on the other hand, unfortunately, it will not be possible for us to provide such an extensive infection protection concept like we worked with at Messe Düsseldorf. Here we will soon be offering the option of canceling tickets. The new date for next AiKon will be July 16th & 17th 2022.
Will there be a DigiKomi again?
Yes!. On the one hand, DigiKomi has now become an integral part of DoKomi, so there will be a DigiKomi again in August as part of DoKomi. But not only that, we held also one
>> DigiKomi: VTuber Edition
at our regular DoKomi date on the weekend of May 22nd and 23rd 2021! There we hope we were able to shorten the time to DoKomi for you again with special streams and a digital DoKomi world, as well as support the emerging VTuber community and offer them a special platform, as well as our many other otaku communities! <3
2. Important information for all visitors
Be sure to read this part carefully if you want to come to DoKomi as a visitor.
Information for your ticket purchase!
Due to our current infection protection concept, as well as the excessively increased support volume, we can only offer e-tickets and won't be able to send out physical tickets anymore. However, we will continue to offer printed tickets for collectors on site at DoKomi. These can be taken free of charge at our DoKomi merch booth. However, DoKomi can only be accessed via the e-tickets containing the access barcode.
Important: You must be able to identify yourself on our convention grounds. Please make sure to bring an ID with a photo and your name on it.
If you are ill: stay at home!
Entering the convention grounds is prohibited if you have typical COVID-19 symptoms. If you are not doing well, please stay at home! Temperature scans will take place again at the entrance to the site.
To enter the convention ground to attend DoKomi 2021 a compulsory test is needed
Visitors are allowed to get in only with a proof of a negative test or a proof of immunization. This entry requirements are applicable equaly for visitors, exibitors or staff. Befor attending the DoKomi you have to be able to show one of the following proofs:
- tested: Negative Corona-test result (PCR- or quick-test) of an official testcenter, not older than 48h . Selftests are not accepted.
- vaccinated: Vaccination proof or vaccination pass. The full vaccination must have been received not earlier than 14 days.
- recovered: Positive PCR test result. The test has to be at least 28 days old and not older than 6 month.
Despite of an negative test result: If you feel ill on the day you plan to visit the event, like: cough, fever, runny nose, disorder of sense of smell or taste, you are not allowed to attend the event.
Informations regarding entrance!
To enter the DoKomi you need a proof of a negative test or a proof of immunization.
To fasten up the entrance procedure we scled up the number of the baggage control stations. Here will be also the place where all the proofs needed for entrance to the DoKomi are being checked.
- Digital proofs (CORONA WARN-APP or digital vaccination pass) are prioritized, as they fastened the entrance procedure. Please enter your vaccination proof or test proof in the CORONA WARN-App and prepare your smartphone with the QR Code at the control station.
- It is possible to bring the proof on paper as well. In order not to slow down the check of the digital proofs, there will be splits in the queues.
- Visitors without proof of a negative test or a proof of immunization will be rejected at the control station. They are only allowed to enter the Con, if they pick up a proof at one of the official test stations. There will be no test stations on site at the fairground.
Cosplayer, who aim to attend the DoKomi with weapons or apparend weapons, are asked to queue at one of the 4 right control stations and proceed after entering directly to the weapon check on the right hand side.
With these activities and the entrance to the fairground (exept the halls!) starting at 8.00 am, we hope to allow a smooth and fast entrance procedure.
Keep your distance on arrival and departure
When traveling to and from the airport, make sure that you keep enough distance from other people and that you wear your mask on the bus and train.
If a tram is a bit full, just try the next one. The stated estimated arrival times of all visitors help us to use other trains with the Düsseldorf Rheinbahn if necessary at peak times, but everything only helps if everyone adheres to the distances and mask requirements.
The general regulations naturally also apply in the Nordpark! Also in the Nordpark, adhere to the general rules of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, which are valid for the weekend of the DoKomi, on distances and group formation. We are in contact with the public order office and would of course be happy if nobody had to pay the high fines for unintentional non-compliance!
The only general rule here is: Respect others, so that we can all stay healthy! :)
Can I buy DoKomi tickets at the box office?
Due to the restrictions of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, we will only sell DoKomi tickets in advance through our online ticket shop. Therefore, a box office is NOT planned.
3. Rules of conduct regarding COVID-19 on the premises

Keep your distance from others
Always try to keep a distance of at least 1.5 meters from other people. You can also greet friends with a traditional Japanese bow, for example. Should it be difficult for you, the To keep your distance, it is best to wait a short moment until there is enough space again.

Always wear your mask
Protect yourself and others! Your mask must completely cover the mouth and nose. The mask (FFP2 or sugical mask) requirement applies to the entire DoKomi grounds. Drinking is enough Short distance to others is allowed. To eat or for a breath of air, you can visit our seating areas in hall 3 or hall 4.

Pay attention to hygiene rules
Wash and disinfect your hands regularly and thoroughly, generally try to avoid touching others. For a quick sip of water or a drink you can have a small snack for a short time. Take off your mask. But make sure that ideally you are 3 meters away to other visitors and set up the mask again.
Ask if you can pay with card instead of cash.

Pay attention to helpers and security
To ensure that everything runs smoothly, always follow our instructions Helpers and security.

Take into account the comfort zones of others
For example, another visitor would like glad that you take a little more distance, even though you are already 1.5 meters away? Respect the wishes of others Visitors, even if you are right. Of course only as far as you are comfortable with it yourself.

About eating and drinking
For a short sip of water or a small snack, you are welcome to take off the mask for a short time. However, make sure that, ideally, you are even 3 meters away from other visitors and put the mask on again immediately afterwards.
If you want to rest a little more, you will find a seating area in Hall 3 and Hall 4 where you can also take off your mask.

Watch out at the local rules
Many areas and contents have separate regulations that apply to the respective area in addition to the general rules. Just check out the roll-ups or ask a helper nearby.

Remind others of the rules
Another visitor has not put on his mask or is you far too close? Just remind the visitor briefly and friendly of the rules. In most cases, for example, you simply forgot to put the mask back on after drinking or were so fascinated by something that you forgot to distance.
However, if you find someone who deliberately disregards the rules, report it to a helper or security immediately. It is very important to us that everyone abides by the rules!

In case you are not doing well
You can find our paramedics in Hall 4. The team is available to you at any time. Therefore, even if you think it is “nothing important”, you can briefly ask the paramedics for advice.

Follow the rules!
Violations of the rules lead to eviction from the site at the latest the second time. So respect the rules.
5. Frequently asked questions
Are all the previously announced guests of honor, artists, exhibitors etc. attending the new date?
Due to the ongoing Covid-19 measures and travel restrictions, a definitive statement about our international guests of honor is unfortunately currently not possible.
Does DoKomi stay in the same place?
Yes, DoKomi continues to take place in the area of the new South Exhibition Center and the Congress Center South.
Will the program that has already been announced continue?
The DoKomi program will be adapted to the current measurements with a special health and hygiene concept. With the help of these regulations we want to carry out as much of the DoKomi program as possible, similar to our edition in September 2020.
Will DoKomi's capacities change? / How many people can enter DoKomi at once?
Since we moved to the exhibition halls in 2017, our capacity limits for DoKomi were so high that it was very unlikely to reach them. As a result, DoKomi has never been sold out in the past 3 years. However, this will change now because we have to lower the capacities for your safety and the distance restrictions. For now, we will give out 14.000 tickets at maximum per day on basis of the valid Coronaschutzverordnung. However, there is a high chance that tickets will be sold out in advance. Please consider this in your planning. There will be no box office.
Is there still a chance that DoKomi 2021 will not take place?
As long as the pandemic continues, no one can guarantee that a new lockdown will not be prescribed during the DoKomi period and that this would of course prevent our event from being carried out. Unfortunately, we have to live with this risk in the context of the pandemic.
5. Questions regarding artists and exhibitors
I am an artist/exhibitor: Do I keep my booth?
Yes, your commitment as an exhibitor or for the DoKomi continues. If you cannot attend DoKomi on the new date, you can cancel your booking until February 20th, 2021.
** Is there a possibility to get a fan booth for DoKomi 2021? **
Yes, but the capacities for booths are lower than usual due to the postponement to the year 2021 and our changed hall plans for the pandemic. Please take this into account when applying.
6. Details on the safety and hygiene concept of DoKomi 2020
As long as the Covid19 pandemic continues, we must all do our part to keep the infection rate at a low level. Accordingly, strict special conditions apply to trade fair and congress events as part of a safety and infection protection concept. Together with Düsseldorf Congress, we have created such a concept and would like to present and summarize the individual requirements and their effects for DoKomi participants here.
What measures are we preparing for yoursafety at DoKomi?
In case of signs of a respiratory infection such as coughing, runny nose or fever, access to the whole site is denied.
Wearing a mask (FFP2 or sugical mask) will be a requirement on the entire Messe Düsseldorf site and in waiting areas in front of it.
We have expanded the event grounds from 65000 sqm to 108000 sqm to ensure that the generally applicable distance rules (1.5 meters) can be observed by everyone on exhibition grounds and in queues. Here you can find the map showing the extended hall occupancy for DoKomi 2020.
Limited number of visitors to approx. 15000 per day (according to the current status of the Corona Protection Regulation, June 24, 2020) and limits for individual rooms (stages, workshops etc.) in order to be able to comply with the requirements for available space per visitor / employee adapted to the Corona Protection Regulations.
Increase in the number of controlling staff ensuring the application of the distance and hygiene rules and the mask requirement.
Ensuring traceability through the obligation to provide personal data when buying tickets (only online, there will be no box office) and for individual rooms / program items, as well as exhibitors / artists and helpers.
Regular and increased cleaning intervals of the toilets; Regular cleaning and disinfection of generally accessible surfaces including parking ticket machines
Adaptation of the shuttle buses to the Hygien regulations (max. Number of transport, protection of the driver, number)
Free delivery cloakroom with spaces between items of clothing
Transparent spit protection installations at info counters etc.
Information on hygiene and distance rules, as well as measures on signs, posters, flyers and the Digital Visitor Information System
Mechanical ventilation system with separate exhaust / air switching for a guaranteed complete supply of exhibitors and visitors with fresh air (outside air quality). Mixing of supply air and exhaust air in the system is excluded, since the systems in the supply air area are operated at a little overpressure.
The repeated violation of the distance and hygiene rules, as well as the obligation to wear a mask, leads to expulsion from the site and exclusion from the event.
[NEW] Visitors are allowed to get in only with a proof of a negative test or a proof of immunization. This entry requirements are applicable equaly for visitors, exibitors or staff. Befor attending the DoKomi you have to be able to show one of the following proofs:
- tested: Negative Corona-test result (PCR- or quick-test) of an official testcenter, not older than 48h . Selftests are not accepted.
- vaccinated: Vaccination proof or vaccination pass. The full vaccination must have been received not earlier than 14 days.
- recovered: Positive PCR test result. The test has to be at least 28 days old and not older than 6 month.
What does the application of the Corona Protection Ordinance mean for the participants?
The general distance and hygiene rules, inflicted by the German government, as per the current date (23.6.2020) according to the Corona Protection Regulations will be applied at DoKomi 2020.
Stay at home if you have symptoms of illness!!
especially in case of signs of a respiratory infection such as cough, runny nose or fever
If signs of illness are found, access to the site can be denied
Respect the distance rules / contact restrictions!
Keep a distance of at least 1.5 meters from other people
A maximum of ten people if they are not related or from two different households or are accompanied by minors and people in need of support
Follow the instructions of the staff, especially to maintain the distances and the number of participants depending on the space - there will be no (!) standing area in the stage room
Respect hygiene rules!
Wash hands regularly and thoroughly
Avoid touching (waving greeting rituals: shaking hands or hugs)
Cough and sneeze etiquette (sneeze and cough in the crook of the arm)
Keep hands away from the face
Note mask requirement!
applies to the entire site and in queues in front of it
[NEW] also applies whhile sitting, e.g. in workshops, on a stage or behind your exhibitor booth
The mask must cover the mouth AND nose at the same time
if the permanent wearing of a surgical mouth-nose covering leads to impairments, the wearing of a visor that completely covers the face can be replaced.
the mask can be removed * temporarily * under the following conditions:
for eating and drinking
when communicating with the hearing impaired
for a short photo (keep a distance of 1.5 meters from the photographer and the surroundings and avoid speaking, only in the outdoor area)
Basically, to protect everyone, we ask that you always wear a mouth and nose protector
Replacement with a visor that completely covers the face is allowed
Participation in traceability of participants
Data collection (name, address, telephone number) when purchasing tickets (only online) and when participating in certain sub-areas (e.g. workshops, HostClub etc.)
we highly recommend installing and activating the German "Corona warning app"
Rules during your stay in the north park
The Nordpark and the Rheinaue are public facilities, in which of course the general distance rules and contact restrictions (see above) continue to apply.. The regulatory office will be present on site and check compliance with the rules! Be cautios of not breaking the rules, as fines for such cases are very high. (up to 500€)
What does the Corona Protection Regulation mean for exhibitors?
- if a distance of 1.5 meters from the visitor cannot be observed, a mask must be worn or a transparent spit guard installed
- Even if the above distance rules can be observed and the obligation to wear a mask at the place expires, there is still the recommendation to wear the mask continuously.
- Disinfecting shopping carts if available (at least twice a day)
- for stands that are accessible to visitors, compliance with the clearance rules must be ensured (admission restrictions, separate entrances and exits from the stand)
- closed ceiling constructions are not allowed (similar to the fire protection regulation)
- Containers for giveaways for self-withdrawal of visitors are not allowed
- The list of people deployed must always be available at the stand
What does the Corona Protection Regulation mean for the fanbooths and our artist alley?
- The artist alley setup is designed to keep at least 1,5m distance between artists.
- Do not move chairs and keep your distance from your neighbors
- It is mandatory to wear a mask behind the stand if no transparent spit protection is installed on the stand
- Even if the above spit guard is installed and thus the * obligation * to wear a mask in the area no longer applies, the recommendation is still to wear the mask continuously.
- in any case put on the mask as soon as you leave the chair
- Also put on your mask if another artist wants to go behind the chair
- Disinfect hands regularly with disinfectant
Among other things, the tradefair Düsseldorf provides for:
- Disinfection dispensers, in all entrances, halls, hall transitions and toilet facilities (including monitoring of the fill levels)
- Regularly increased cleaning intervals of the toilets (handles, hand wash basins, taps)
- Regular cleaning and disinfection of generally accessible surfaces including parking ticket machines
- Avoiding change for parking fees
- Adaptation of the shuttle buses to the hygiene regulations (max. Number of passengers, protection of drivers, number)
- Increased use of staff by the security service, for example at "hot spots" (such as entrances, queues, etc.)
- Free drop-off wardrobe with enough space between all items of clothing
- Transparent spit protection at info counters etc.
- Information on hygiene and distance rules, as well as measures on signs, posters, flyers and the Digital Visitor Information System
- Ventilation systems: The ventilation systems in the CCD and the exhibition halls are managed in accordance with the specified maintenance cycles and checked by independent institutes (TÜV Rheinland). In normal operation, the systems achieve a complete air exchange per building unit on average within 1 hour..